Ethics of research payment

Title: Indecent proposal? Ethics of paying participants of biomedical research
Principal Investigator: dr Joanna Różyńska
Funding: National Science Centre, OPUS 22
Project no: 2021/43/B/HS1/01881   
Duration: 10.2022-9.2025   

Research team: 

Project goals: The overall scientific goal of this project is to develop a conceptually clear, ethically sound and practically feasible ethical framework for offering payment to competent research participants. The goal will be achieved by clarifying and redefining a set of key issues and concerns raised by the practice of paying research subjects – namely, commodification concern, coercion and undue inducement objection, exploitation concern, and the question of fair, “appropriate” payment. The project will also provide insight intoattitudes of members of Polish biomedical RECs (komisje bioetyczne) about offers of research payment generally, and about the above mentioned payment-related concerns specifically.

Key words: research ethics, research payments, undue inducement, exploitation, fair compensation


  1. Różyńska, J. (2023). A few remarks on limits of research risks and research paymentsMedicine, Health Care and Philosophy.

Conference presentations

  1. Kaczmarek, E. & Różyńska, J. (2024). Research payment, exploitation, and the rights of the participant of biomedical research, 9th Conference of the European Association of Health Law: Health and Fundamental Rights. Warsaw, Poland; 18-20 September, 2024 (accepted).
  2. Kaczmarek, E. (2024). Exploitation in biomedical research: Who and how should be paid for participating in clinical trials?, 36th ESPMH Conference: Medicine, healthcare, and the market. Frankfurt/ Offenbach, Germany; 21-24 August, 2024 (accepted)
  3. Różyńska, J. (2024). Coercive offers and research payments, 36th ESPMH Conference: Medicine, healthcare, and the market. Frankfurt/ Offenbach, Germany; 21-24 August, 2024 (accepted)
  4. Różyńka, J. (2024). Ethics of risk-based payment for research participants, 17th IAB World Congress of Bioethics, Doha/Quatar, 4-6 June 2024. 
  5. Różyńska, J. (2024). Płacić czy nie płacić? Wyzwania etyczno-prawne związane z wynagradzaniem uczestników badań biomedycznych, Ogólnopolskie Forum Prawa Medycznego i Etyki Lekarskiej im. dr. Pawła Wójcika, Warszawa, 24-25 maja 2024 r.  
  6. Różyńska, J. (2023), A principle-based framework for ethical research payment, EACME Annual Conference 2023: Facing disruption. Challenges to Bioethics, Human Rights and Democracy. Warsaw 14-16 September 2023