Project title: Body, Person, and Informed Consent. Ethics of Using Human Body in Medicine and Research
Principal investigator: prof. Paweł Łuków
Financing: National Science Centre, OPUS 9
Project period: 2016-2018 (36 months)
Project number: 2015/17/B/HS1/02390
Project objective: The project is an investigation of the conceptual and normative foundations of biomedical and research interventions that use human body, its parts or biological material of human origin for the benefit of others and scientific progress. It relies on critical analysis of normative conceptual frameworks, comparison of their weaknesses and strengths and internal coherence.
Keywords: ethics, bioethics, body, person, informed consent
Publication of the project results
Papers (published or accepted for publication)
- Różyńska J. (2022). The ethical anatomy of payment for research participants. Med Health Care and Philos 25, 449–464 (2022).
- Łuków P. (2021). Living with a Transplant: Identity and a Good Life, In Ethical Challenges of Organ Transplantation: Current Debates and International Perspectives, eds. Solveig Lena Hansen and Silke Schicktanz, Transcript Verlag, pp. 247-264
- Różyńska, J. (2021) Research Participants Should Be Rewarded Rather than “Compensated for Time and Burdens”. The American Journal of Bioethics, 21:3, 53-55, DOI: 10.1080/15265161.2020.1870770
- Łuków, P. (2020) „Rola świadomej zgody rodziców w opiece nad noworodkami na granicy zdolności do przeżycia”. Diametros 17(63), 40-55.
- Łuków, P. (2020) Pure Altruistic Gift and the Ethics of Transplant Medicine‚ Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17: 95-107.
- Łuków, P. (2019), Leaving gift-giving behind: the ethical status of the human body and transplant medicine, Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22(2): 221-230.
- Różyńska, J. (2018). What makes clinical labour different? The case of human guinea pigging. Journal of Medical Ethics
Conference presentations:
- Różyńska, J. (2018). Posthumous interests and the ethics of research on the dead. 32th European Conference on Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care. The European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care (ESMPH). Lisbon,Portugal, 22-25 August.
- Zawiła-Niedźwiecki, J. (2018). Limits of consent for research and teaching on the dead. 32th European Conference on Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care. The European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care (ESMPH). Lisbon,Portugal, 22-25 August.
- Łuków, P. (2017) Prawo i etyka w transplantologii. Kongres Medyczny Varia Medica, Warszawa, 30.11.-2.12.2017
- Łuków, P. (2017) Beyond gift-giving: transplantations, agent identity, and sharing. European Association of Centres of Medical Ethics (EACME) Conference, Barcelona, 7-9 września 2017 r.
- Zawiła-Niedźwiecki, J. (2016). Standardy etyczne podejmowania decyzji w imieniu niekompetentnych dzieci i dorosłych – porównanie. Ogólnopolska Konferencja pt. Etyka w medycynie – między teorią a praktyką. Gdańsk, Polska, 22-24 września 2016 [in polish].
- Zawiła-Niedźwiecki, J. (2016). Overcoming the limitations of decision making capacity of proxy decision makers – implications for care for the elderly. European Association of Centres of Medical Ethics Conference 2016 “30 years of European Bioethics”. Leuven, Belgium, 8-10 September 2016.
- Łuków P. (2016). Human dignity and ‘self-ownership’: the case of transplantation medicine. European Association of Centres of Medical Ethics Conference 2016 “30 years of European Bioethics”. Leuven, Belgium, 8-10 September 2016.
- Zawiła-Niedźwiecki, J. (2016). Who gets to decide when we are gone? – On limitations of proxy decision makers in transplantations. 30th European Conference on Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care. The European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care (ESMPH). Zagreb, Croatia, 17-20 August.
- Chludzińska, K. (2016). Surrogacy and the problem of autonomy. 30th European Conference on Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care. The European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care (ESMPH). Zagreb, Croatia, 17-20 August.
- Zawiła-Niedźwiecki, J. (2016). The curses of longevity: cognitive decline , memory loss and diminished agency – a bioethical perspective. The 10th International Congress of Societas Humboldtiana Polonorum, Łódź, Poland, 30 June – 2 July. [Poster]
- Chludzińska, K. (2016). “Cadaveric incubators” – The problem of brain-dead pregnant women. 13th World Congress of Bioethics – Individuals, Public Interests and Public Goods: What is the Contribution of Bioethics?. The International Association of Bioethics (IAB). Edinburgh, Scotland, 14-17 June. [Poster]
- Zawiła-Niedźwiecki, J. (2016). The limitations of surrogate decision-making in bodily material donation for therapy or research. 13th World Congress of Bioethics – Individuals, Public Interests and Public Goods: What is the Contribution of Bioethics?. The International Association of Bioethics (IAB). Edinburgh, Scotland, 14-17 June.